Shop Penarth

How it Works

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You’ll love Penarth

Your Shop Penarth card offers your wide variety of offers and services which are all local independent retailers.

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Shop Penarth


Shop Penarth brings you special offers, discounts and promotions from a wealth of local independent businesses. Penarth is a town of choice – from food and drink to fashion, groceries and gifts to professional services and from health and beauty to homewares and travel — it’s all right here on your doorstep.

Terms & Conditions

Choose from 3 categories, Retail, Food & Drink or Services in the green bars below.

Looking to update your offer? Click here
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Looking to update your offer? Click here


& keep it for life

Attach it to your keys!
& make use of all the fantastic local offers all
year round in Penarth from all our independent retailers.

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Shop Penarth
Shop Penarth

About & Benefits

There are so many reasons to support your local shops and businesses. It keeps jobs in the area, keeps money circulating in the local economy, makes our town more sustainable for the future and helps to make our town a better place to live and work.

Gwyrddio Penarth Greening introduced the Shop Penarth card scheme in September 2010 to support the local economy, to encourage loyalty among customers and to help keep Penarth’s shopping areas alive and attractive. Most importantly, the scheme also helps cut carbon emissions because people are not using their cars to shop out of town.

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Keep it green

Not only are you getting great offers, shopping locally means your carbon footprint will be lowerhelping Penarth become a more sustainable town & economy.

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Shop Penarth


Why not contact us if you would like to get involved or learn more about Shop Penarth. If you’re a retailer and need to update your offer or info please select that option in the contact us form.

Contact Us

Press & Website Materials

Media Repository

Common Questions

If you use the contact form on this website and choose the selection “I’m a retailer/service and i need more cards”, Shop Penarth will arrange where these can be picked up. In the future we will designate areas where these can be picked up with ease.

Shop Penarth is funded by the sale of cards and a retailer registration fee which is paid yearly.

We will be working with retailers and the public to create awareness through Shop Penarth, with further practical ideas to be formed.

Sorry to hear that! We ask if you have lost your card that you purchase a new one at any participating retailer for £2.00.

Support your local shops and businesses to help make Penarth a vibrant place to live and work

  • Collect your Shop Penarth card from any participating local business. It costs £2.00.
  • Shift at least some of your spending from supermarkets, out of town retail parks and on-line retailers to your local independent shops and businesses.
  • Enjoy special offers, discounts and promotions only available to Shop Penarth card holders. Lookout for the Shop Penarth badge in shop windows.
  • Bring some local joy and happiness to your in-box by signing up at the Shop Penarth website for the latest news, offers and promotions.

Please recycle or pass me onto a friend when you have finished with me.

You will find below a link to a repository with all our latest media materials for print and your website.

Media Repository

Thank you for looking at our scheme. Please contact us and say hello! We’d love to talk about how you can make this work for your town but please don’t lift or copy our scheme as we’ve worked hard to make it our own over the years.

We believe that a vibrant local economy is vital to a more sustainable future. Making sure that people can get the goods and services they need without travelling long distances by car is an important part of this. SiP is a way of helping local retailers to work together, and of rewarding shoppers for their loyalty and support for their local businesses.

All the money raised from the sale of cards goes back into the scheme. The cost of the cards, printing, publicity and the vouchers all comes from SP sales. From time to time we have specific Gwyrddio Penarth Greening events at which SP will be promoted and we are very grateful to the various SP businesses who provide raffle prizes.

Some businesses get more out of it than others – this is partly due to the nature of what they’re doing, but in most cases, those that promote the scheme, and have eye-catching offers tend to do best. And of course all the businesses benefit from the publicity that is generated through the scheme.

Periodically, Gwyrddio Penarth Greening nominates a particular SP business for a ‘Green Award’ for something it has done that is either in keeping with GPG’s aims to raise awareness about climate change, or because it has done or contributed something of particular benefit to the community. The Penarth Times carries stories about these awards which we know is a valuable means of promoting a particular business – and the SP scheme.

Since the scheme started, it has also been good to see how many of the businesses appreciate working together under the SP umbrella, not least because it provides a way of raising issues of common concern.

Shop in Penarth was set up by Gwyrddio Penarth Greening, and continues to be organised and run by volunteers and retailers.


Pick up your Shop Penarth card at West House or any retailers listed in the offers section.

This scheme is run by Shop Penarth
& proudly supported by The Penarth Town Council,
The Penarth Times & Many Independent Traders In Penarth